We’re in this together

Join us in our mission to educate and advocate for the preservation of Lakewood’s unique character and community. Together, we can influence city planning and decisions that affect our neighborhoods and safeguard our heritage for generations to come.

Research Initiatives

The City of Lakewood

We need your eyes on everything going on in the city. Help us read through reports, proposals, legislation and anything government is generating to change Lakewood. If you see something, say something.

Find Lakewood City Council reports here. Let us know if you see something that changes the city for the worse.

Find agendas and reports from the city’s advisory boards including the Planning Commission

Watch all city meetings live or recorded on YouTube

The Washington Legislature

The Washington Legislature and Governor can decide the density and development of your neighborhood without any say from the City of Lakewood – and certainly not any say from citizens. The Legislature sets the tone for higher density to benefit housing developers. It’s hard to follow the Legislature’s proposals, deliberations and decisions. We need your help..

We could sure use volunteers who can research past damage done to Lakewood as well as the many bills likely to come up to benefit housing developers and their surrogates. Expect links to come, and let us know if you can help. There are many hundreds of people in and around Olympia who’d be thrilled to change Lakewood.

Learn more from these posts that are so excited about the change: here and here.

This is one where our goal will be to limit damage, not reverse it. The Legislature’s push to increase housing on lots is driven by a bipartisan coalition of housing developers and surrogates who want to make a lot of money, and liberal causes that think by giving developers what they want, the price of housing will go down and there will be more housing for underrepresented, minority communities. Take a look at all the people present for the signing of the legislation; that’s a lot of influential people who know best what the zoning should be for Lakewood and everywhere else.

The Puget Sound Regional Council and Pierce County Regional Council

The Puget Sound and Pierce County regional councils are unaccountable government entities controlled by elected officials, not the public. These entities, we’re told, have the power to decide zoning decisions for Lakewood. We don’t know much about them, so we need people to start at Ground Zero trying to decide what they’re doing, how it affects Lakewood and what we can do about it.

It would be amazing if someone could scan their many agendas and meetings to let us know when matters might affect Lakewood. Here again, we have to mobilize because people are being paid full time to change Lakewood without us knowing.

The Puget Sound agency has a ton of information online; find their website here. The Pierce County Regional Council site is here. Let us know what you learn!

What you hear and learn

What have you heard about things that will affect Lakewood? Share information on our Facebook page or through Discord, or email us. If we share information, we can learn more and react together.

Read Walter Neary’s columns in
The Suburban Times

Walter is chronicling efforts to preserve Lakewood’s character – among other subjects.

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